Apollo AGC DSKY Block II Front Plate

meneame.net TRACK TOP
Publicado el 31st Agosto, 2018 por KaRMaN. Archivado en Cacharros.
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This is a very clear photo of the front plate of the Apollo G&N Computer (AGC) Display and Keyboard (DSKY).

In this photo can been seen the segments that composed the display fonts because the wear ni a different color.



Micro CRT with Arduino

meneame.net TRACK TOP
Publicado el 20th Febrero, 2018 por KaRMaN. Archivado en Electrónica, Hardware.
Leido 9,616 veces. Comments Off

This is a micro CRT from an old camcorder. I used an Arduino Nano to generate a video demo (cube rotation) to show that it still works.

There is also a POLOLU-2118 power supply and a lipo charger aswell as a lipo battery.

Just for the fun of viewving :)

IoT cheap WiFi Button w/ LED

meneame.net TRACK TOP
Publicado el 11th Enero, 2018 por KaRMaN. Archivado en Electrónica, Hardware, Linux, Sin categoria.
Leido 62,353 veces. 521 comentarios archivados.

This is a simple-one-afternoot project that I made to be able to open the office door.

Our office door is locked by a presence control (with fingerprint reader, keypad and NFC cards) which is connected to a cloud server and API service. So, to open the door with just a button I need two curl calls to the API service in that server (one for login and another for opening the door).


I love using Omega2 over other projects because has 3 mainly things: has easy built-in wifi, is linux and is cheaper than other things like arduino. Also it’s footprint is quite small.


For the button, I searched over some sites looking for a big button with small footprint but was a futile search. I ended for a chinese repurposed button. This one had a speaker and said ‘Yes’ when pushed’.


I tore it down to fit inside the Omega2 main board, a small DC-DC step down 5v to 3.3v and a micro-usb connector for power. Also I put a small red led to show opening status. I reused the momentary switch soldering a pull-down resistors. Switch is on GPIO 17 and LED on GPIO 11.

Once everything is fit together comes time for a small code. I have 2 scripts. This one is a loop to read the gpio button:


# Boton (Input)
fast-gpio set-input 17 > /dev/null 2>&1

# LED (Output)
fast-gpio set-output 11 > /dev/null 2>&1
fast-gpio set 11 0 > /dev/null 2>&1

# Bogus GPIO?
gpioctl dirout-low 16 > /dev/null 2>&1

while [ 1 ]; do

        # Get button status
        STATUS=`fast-gpio read 17|awk '{print $4}'`

        if [ $STATUS -eq 1 ]; then
                fast-gpio set 11 1  > /dev/null 2>&1
                # LED is light meanwhile the script 'open.sh' is being executed
                fast-gpio set 11 0 > /dev/null 2>&1

        # Some sleep
        sleep 0.05

The other one has the 2 curl sentences:

# Do login and save the cookie
curl -i -c cookie_door \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-X POST --data '{"name": "someUser","password": "somePassword","user_id": "700"}' \
"https://api.biostar2.com/v1/login" > /dev/null 2>&1

# Use the cookie to open the door (index 1)
curl -i -b cookie_door \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-X POST --data '{"door_id": "1"}' \
"https://api.biostar2.com/v1/doors/1/open" > /dev/null 2>&1

As a side comment about the ‘bogus GPIO’, I don’t get quite how works the GPIO in Omega2. Seems that GPIO 17 and 16 are somehow linked? I had to put 16 on dirout-low so 17 could work great.

Also I had to install GNU/sleep that accepts times <1s. This way doesn’t use too much CPU without having to sleep 1s that could cause missing push to the push button.

In the end the project is highly usable for almost everything as is a simple network enabled IoT button. Changing the ‘open.sh‘ script can make this project to use in a infinity uses.

Arduino Enigma Portable

meneame.net TRACK TOP
Publicado el 11th Enero, 2018 por KaRMaN. Archivado en Arduino, Electrónica, Hardware.
Leido 54,719 veces. 507 comentarios archivados.

I recently got an Arduino Enigma on Tinder (https://www.tindie.com/products/ArduinoEnigma/arduino-enigma-i-m3-m4-machine-simulator-w-case/) which is a Arduino Enigma Machine Simulator with touch display. Is pretty handsome with a wooden case and perfectly functioning simulator of the Enigmas 1, M3 and M4.

But to work, it needs external power supply. Either a USB-B cable or a 9v battery with a barrel plug. And I hate having external addons to make it work.

Arduino Enigma Machine with battery

Arduino Enigma Machine with battery

So I put inside the case a lipo battery, a lipo charger and a 5v stepup to power up everything.

ZTE680 Hardware V4.0 (V2?) Hack

meneame.net TRACK TOP
Publicado el 20th Agosto, 2017 por KaRMaN. Archivado en Hardware, Linux.
Leido 270,891 veces. 6 comentarios archivados.

I just got recently installed my first FTTH router (pepephone, but same model is used in masmovil and jazztel) and as any network engineer I wanted to have full access to the router. Looking over the vast internet I found a blogpost that used a USB with a symlink to smb.conf so it can be edited to add exec parameters to execute an downloaded busybox to open an alternative telnetd but the article had a big problem that make it imposible to work on my router: the F680 of the article has an ARM architecture. My router has MIPS instead. This is important to know beforehand if using external-downloaded busybox binaries. In the end I skipped the busybox hack to directly allow admin telnet connection instead the buggy limited one. This is how I did it, I will assume that router has IP address

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