/** iPhone Simulator Architectures.xcspec Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Architecture specifications in the iPhone Simulator platform. */ ( // 32-Bit { Type = Architecture; Identifier = Standard; Name = "Standard (iPhone Simulator: i386)"; Description = "32-bit iPhone Simulator architectures"; ListInEnum = YES; SortNumber = 1; RealArchitectures = ( i386, ppc, ppc7400, ppc970 ); ArchitectureSetting = "ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT"; }, // Old-style Debug { Type = Architecture; Identifier = Native; Name = "Native Architecture of Build Machine"; Description = "32-bit for build machine"; ListInEnum = YES; SortNumber = 101; ArchitectureSetting = "NATIVE_ARCH"; }, // G3 { Type = Architecture; Identifier = ppc; Name = "Minimal (32-bit PowerPC only)"; Description = "32-bit PowerPC "; PerArchBuildSettingName = "PowerPC"; ByteOrder = big; ListInEnum = No; SortNumber = 201; }, // G4 { Type = Architecture; Identifier = ppc7400; Name = "PowerPC G4"; Description = "32-bit PowerPC for G4 processor"; ByteOrder = big; ListInEnum = NO; SortNumber = 202; }, // G5 32-bit { Type = Architecture; Identifier = ppc970; Name = "PowerPC G5 32-bit"; Description = "32-bit PowerPC for G5 processor"; ByteOrder = big; ListInEnum = NO; SortNumber = 203; }, // Intel { Type = Architecture; Identifier = i386; Name = "Intel"; Description = "32-bit Intel"; PerArchBuildSettingName = "Intel"; ByteOrder = little; ListInEnum = NO; SortNumber = 105; } )